ForeverFaith Couture designs and makes Evening Gowns, Cocktail Dresses, Bridesmaids Dresses, Traditional Garments for Men and Women, Kiddies Clothes as well as Men's Suits. Whatever you dream of wearing ForeverFaith Couture garments are "Designed To Fit You"
Friday, March 30, 2012
Friday, March 16, 2012
It's Friday morning just after midnight (actually after 1am). It's time Faith should be fellowshipping with her Father in prayer but here I am again giving you a preview of what I am working on for a fine fabulous woman referred to me by my flippin' fine friend Masego Mokgoro. Yeah this is Masego in her specially "Designed to Fit You" ForeverFaith Couture dress.
I call these type of dresses "skintightassdresses" because yeah they are tight, body hugging dresses which I appreciate because when I myself am wearing one I feel like I am in a whole day abs exercise. You got to keep the tummy tucked actually no, keep you abdominal muscles tight the whole day.
Anyway I will explain the above exercise routine some other time. Well I had to make a different dress yesterday since February as I have been enjoying designing the STAD dresses. I thank God for He blesses me with all kind of clients with different tastes and style. By His grace I am able to satisfy all of them. Yesterday's dress is a frilly-blousy-dress. I have never designed a mock up of something I make before but I felt I should make one this time. It was also because I made a short frill for the blouse. Please note the picture is not of the actual dress but the mock dress of the one still to be made.
On Wednesday I made three dresses. Two for adult ladies and one for a two year old little girl. I could not finish them off because the clients need to come for fittings first.
Let me go to sleep because I need to wake up at 4:30 for prayer and 5:30am to prepare for gym. Till next blog!
ForeverFait Couture
"Designed to Fit You"

Anyway I will explain the above exercise routine some other time. Well I had to make a different dress yesterday since February as I have been enjoying designing the STAD dresses. I thank God for He blesses me with all kind of clients with different tastes and style. By His grace I am able to satisfy all of them. Yesterday's dress is a frilly-blousy-dress. I have never designed a mock up of something I make before but I felt I should make one this time. It was also because I made a short frill for the blouse. Please note the picture is not of the actual dress but the mock dress of the one still to be made.
On Wednesday I made three dresses. Two for adult ladies and one for a two year old little girl. I could not finish them off because the clients need to come for fittings first.
Let me go to sleep because I need to wake up at 4:30 for prayer and 5:30am to prepare for gym. Till next blog!
ForeverFait Couture
"Designed to Fit You"
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
I had the most busiest weekend ever since Friday, but this was not the first. As per my previous blog, I had to design a dress for a friend-cum-client the whole day of Friday. I went to deliver the dress on Saturday evening and she loves the dress to bits. It is indeed a gorgeous dress that was designed with her in mind and I know it will be the next selling item in my line. Every woman should have this dress and every guy should buy it for his lady. Check out the pics.
I do not depend on myself for creativity, strength and ability to achieve my goals and make my clients happy. I depend on my Father and creator. I am who I am and what I am because of Him in my life. I did not study Fashion Designing and I am not really self-taught but I have actually been blessed my God with this talent and abilities I have.
The world frowns at you when they ask you: "Did you study Fashion Designing?" or "What are your qualifications to do what you are doing?" if your response is "No" or "It is a God-given talent." I will never try to prove the world right but rather I will use what God has given me to show His glory because it is in what we lack that what He gives is seen. I am waiting for God to open those avenues where He will wow the world of Fashion and win those who do not believe.

God said to me His plans are to prosper me. He says "I the Lord your God will direct you to make profit" and He has shown me that indeed "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me". I have grown to learn that if you go by the world's expectations you will be boxed in and never reach your God-given potential. God is no respecter of persons meaning what He can do for another He will do for you too. He created all of us to prosper in every area of our lives- spiritually, financially, emotionally and physically. All we need to do is align our lives with Him by living according to His word and having a relationship with Him. That is why God tells us to "NOT conform to the patterns of this world but be be transformed by the renewal of our minds". The way to renew our minds goes back to reading and meditating on His word, praying always and seeking His guidance in everything.
One of the messages I received and live by that I received from my Apostle Mosa Sono is that God has given all of us talent to create wealth and I remember he said as well that the graveyard is the richest place in the world because it is full of talent that was never used. Therefore by all means every gift, be it spiritual, physical and all the talents and abilities I have, I pray that I use them to honour God.
I live my life for God. Though I have had moments of being caught up in self by gratifying the flesh, following my own decisions without consulting Him I have learned from the repercussions thereafter. It is all by His grace and the fact that He is a loving and merciful God that I am still alive and able to write what I am writing now.
I went to a Leadership Conference on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon at our church, Grace Bible Church Soweto. It was very equipping and refilling thanks to God. My life on weekends is dedicated to God as I serve as a teacher in Children's Church Ministry (we usually have meetings on Saturdays), I am a team leader at Youth and therefore every Sundays I attend the 7am service until 8:45, teach at 9am-11am and attend Youth at 12:00 to 15:00. So my weekend was church, church, church as always. I am not complaining because I am doing it all for God and I enjoy every moment of it. I think I have a hectic-weekend hangover cos I have been sick the whole day. I also serve on the Grace Bible Church Website team as an articles writer and as well as projects team (this month I get to church at 6am for projects).
I also had to go deliver another dress (the 6 styles-in-one dress) on Sunday evening to Vuvu Cindi on Sunday evening after all my church activities and after Youth service meeting with my team members. We actually had cake and snacks to celebrate our team. Then I met my two business partners. God said "Be fruitful and multiply" so ForeverFaith Couture is not the only baby I have. Oh Vuvu loved her dress but I just need to reconstruct something on it to make her comfortable as she felt it makes her too sexy and bootyliscious which is not what she wants to portray of herself.
I ended my weekend by watching a movie with my soul and spiritual friend, Mothopi Matli. It was a good movie and perfect for a Sunday.
If you are wearing ForeverFaith Couture know that you are wearing something touched and anointed
by God. I am just a vessel.
ForeverFaith Couture

The world frowns at you when they ask you: "Did you study Fashion Designing?" or "What are your qualifications to do what you are doing?" if your response is "No" or "It is a God-given talent." I will never try to prove the world right but rather I will use what God has given me to show His glory because it is in what we lack that what He gives is seen. I am waiting for God to open those avenues where He will wow the world of Fashion and win those who do not believe.

One of the messages I received and live by that I received from my Apostle Mosa Sono is that God has given all of us talent to create wealth and I remember he said as well that the graveyard is the richest place in the world because it is full of talent that was never used. Therefore by all means every gift, be it spiritual, physical and all the talents and abilities I have, I pray that I use them to honour God.
I live my life for God. Though I have had moments of being caught up in self by gratifying the flesh, following my own decisions without consulting Him I have learned from the repercussions thereafter. It is all by His grace and the fact that He is a loving and merciful God that I am still alive and able to write what I am writing now.
I went to a Leadership Conference on Friday evening and Saturday afternoon at our church, Grace Bible Church Soweto. It was very equipping and refilling thanks to God. My life on weekends is dedicated to God as I serve as a teacher in Children's Church Ministry (we usually have meetings on Saturdays), I am a team leader at Youth and therefore every Sundays I attend the 7am service until 8:45, teach at 9am-11am and attend Youth at 12:00 to 15:00. So my weekend was church, church, church as always. I am not complaining because I am doing it all for God and I enjoy every moment of it. I think I have a hectic-weekend hangover cos I have been sick the whole day. I also serve on the Grace Bible Church Website team as an articles writer and as well as projects team (this month I get to church at 6am for projects).
I also had to go deliver another dress (the 6 styles-in-one dress) on Sunday evening to Vuvu Cindi on Sunday evening after all my church activities and after Youth service meeting with my team members. We actually had cake and snacks to celebrate our team. Then I met my two business partners. God said "Be fruitful and multiply" so ForeverFaith Couture is not the only baby I have. Oh Vuvu loved her dress but I just need to reconstruct something on it to make her comfortable as she felt it makes her too sexy and bootyliscious which is not what she wants to portray of herself.
I ended my weekend by watching a movie with my soul and spiritual friend, Mothopi Matli. It was a good movie and perfect for a Sunday.
I am fully dependent on God and not myself because the work I do cannot be self-sufficient. With every fabric I cut I invite Him to use me as His instrument. Like I always tell my clients: "I am just a VESSEL". I have been given an opportunity by God to organize Fashion shows, Miss Kaizer Chiefs Greater Soweto 2002 and many more. He says He has not gotten me anywhere yet and I know I am going higher with God. I know that He has blessed me to be a blessing to those who are not privileged. The earth is the Lord's and all that is in it. God is my Father and that makes the heir of what He owns. I am in the preparation room to woww the world for His glory.
by God. I am just a vessel.

ForeverFaith Couture
"Designed To Fit You"
Saturday, March 10, 2012
AND SO IT WAS DESIGNED TO FIT, Making Zimkhitha's Dress
Woww! Time is not on my side and I hoped to have posted this before Cinderella's designer dress turns into rags!!! Oh my, the fake stuff Cinderella wore...the FairyGodMother and China Malll clothes!! LOL!!! Oops I did not mean to get lost in the "happily ever afters"
Today I woke up with stomach cramps because I slept eating a wholenut chocolate! How can something so good do this to me? I had to design and make Zimkitha aka Zita Ceza's dress, Mapula (my lady client/ sister) and he daughter Mpumi. I had to get back to sleep at 6am (missed gym again which might cause me to forfeit wearing my ForeverFaith Couture "skintightassfitting" dresses for I might develop an unwelcome belly bulge) and I had strange dreams. Just to make this read interesting let me tell you a bit of what I dreamed: I dreamed 3 men wanting to marry me and one of them was Akin Omotoso who kept telling me he wants a woman who will take care of him and said I was that woman. Kwaaa! Down! Fast forward.......

I would post the dress here but because she has not received it yet as I was supposed to deliver it (yes I do dliver but at an extra cost). I told her about it and she asked me to send a picture so I donned it on Deedee my mannequin (clothes display doll for those who allergic to dictionaries) and took a picture and sent it to her. She was over the moon.

This dress is another one of my "more-than-one-way-to-wear dress". There's one I made whic is another Grecian- Inspired dress and that one can be worn 6 diferent ways. I will tell you more aout it if you have not seen it.
I then made a T-Shirt for my friend who is a guy. I call it the "NotInTheMood"/Lazing T-shirt or rather the LazyBoyfriendT. I will show you how to wear this mans T-shirt as a girl yet maintain your God-given beauty.
To God be the glory!
ForeverFaith Couture
"Designed To Fit you"
Thursday, March 8, 2012
SHOPPING! SHOPPING FOR FABRIC, Colour, Texture, Style and the Shoes and Accessories to Match!
Well today I am not going down Fashion and Fabric Lane because my mind is on present mode after this afternoon's long search for the perfect fabrics, perfect accessories and shoes to match not just the dress I will be making but the person who will be wearing them as well.
Yep, it takes all of that to design and style an individual. That is why it is difficult to operate like a retail supplier. This is when people would think they just call and place an order. No, I am not Edgars retail or some online clothing boutique (though this is something in the pipeline for a particular range of mine). Yeah, going global baby!! God said we must be fruitful and multiply!
I need to see my client, get to know him/her and understand how he/she likes the world to see him/her through what they wear. I also get to understand what colors can bring out the best you without overshadowing your personality and character. This is why I spend 3 hours in one shop that even my favourite fabric store owner jokingly said: "I must start charging you rent."
Well that is how I operate. I find a retail outlet I connect with and become so used to the staff that I end up feeling at home and that is where I will spend most of my money. So yes I spend 90% of my money and time in the same shop. You are probably wondering to yourself: "Why does she take so long to buy just fabric?". Okay, I visualize, conceptualize and design in my head inside the shop. I get served by the same person and I always bounce ideas on him. I can hear you thinking; "What kind of a designer is she bouncing ideas on fabric cutters?". Well I do that with everything except on what to wear or what to eat but I tell you this young guy is good. He has a creative mind and can visualize what I share with him. I will hire him in the near future.

I then had to find fabric for my good friend and sister, Zita Ceza who has now become my most loyal client and is ordering her 3rd dress in 3 weeks! I connected with Zita on Facebook 3 years ago and only met her 3 weeks ago when I went to deliver her dress. Well how did I manage to design for her without giving her a fashion consultation? Well, Zita is like my soul twin sister. I know what she would love to wear and how she wants to be perceived.When she ordered the first and second dress she chose the dresses she likes from my previous designs. Both dresses look great on her. Actually she makes the dresses look great. With this last one she has given me the liberty to design the perfect dress for her, choose the colour and fabric.

The shopping does not end there. There's zips, cottons, ribbons, elastics, beads, needles and all you need to complete the garments. And yah, I had to go look for and buy afro/traditional beads for an afrocentric ensemble for my other client as well as buy a bow tie and stirrups for my male client.
Shoo!!! I was exhausted, hungry and sleepy. Guess what? I have to work through the morning again! So yah let me start working on Zita's dress. Which color and fabric between the two? Oh I still have to design the dress. BTW! I found shoes I fell inlove with at first sight!!
Thank you for reading and I am looking forward to dresssing you and styling you too!!!
ForeverFaith Couture
"Designed To Fit You"
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Going Down Fashion and Fabric Lane (Continued)
What does Faith, Fabric, Fashion and Fabulousity have in common? Well I don't have to spell it out. Faith, Fashion, Fabric and Fabulousity are Forever.
Ok, going back down Fashion and Fabric Lane; people always ask me:"Did you study Fashion Designing?" Well the answer is.... "No". To tell you the truth, I was born for Fashion. I am not a self-made Fashion Designer but actually a born and anointed Fashion Designer. Even my mom saw it at a very early age. She never bought me toy tea-sets or toy stoves. She bought me a play sewing machine, some hand crafting sets and dolls not teddy bears but dolls that needed a Fashion Make over. I remember my Alice in Wonderland doll who came wearing a blue and white frock with an alice band! Oh my I gave her a total make over. Well she is still around to speak for herself since 1985 and she is wearing a micro mini denim dungaree dress. LOL!

I then started redesigning clothes by sewing frills onto my denim shorts, making bags out of denim pants, making my own little tops and skirts then my friends brought their own to be redesigned.
Ok fast forward to my Matric Ball- I designed my matric ball gown but it was sewn by some lady and then I designed for my friends in tertiary as well. I realized how people trusted my Fashion advice and kept thinking...mhhh this could be my career: "Advising and assisting people on what to wear, how to dress, what hairdo to have and shoes and accessories to match.
Why did I not study Fashion Designing? Well... That is another story. What remains is the truth and the truth is "I was born for Fashion and yes I am anointed to do this."
" Watch this space and see God's glory flow and shine for the world to see."
I will be blogging and posting pictures of my work as and when I get time off my work which God has called me to do. Dresss and style the world.
ForeverFaith Couture
"Designed To Fit You"
For Fine, Fitting, Fashionable Fabulousity, Find ForeverFaith Couture.

I then started redesigning clothes by sewing frills onto my denim shorts, making bags out of denim pants, making my own little tops and skirts then my friends brought their own to be redesigned.
Ok fast forward to my Matric Ball- I designed my matric ball gown but it was sewn by some lady and then I designed for my friends in tertiary as well. I realized how people trusted my Fashion advice and kept thinking...mhhh this could be my career: "Advising and assisting people on what to wear, how to dress, what hairdo to have and shoes and accessories to match.
Why did I not study Fashion Designing? Well... That is another story. What remains is the truth and the truth is "I was born for Fashion and yes I am anointed to do this."
" Watch this space and see God's glory flow and shine for the world to see."
I will be blogging and posting pictures of my work as and when I get time off my work which God has called me to do. Dresss and style the world.
ForeverFaith Couture
"Designed To Fit You"
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
FOREVERFAITH COUTURE, Going Down Fashion and Fabric lane
ForeverFaith Couture is my clothing label and it is the name of my Fashion Design and Image Consultancy. ForeverFaith Couture was born ForeverFaith Fashion, Fun and Image Firm in 2000 and was changed to ForeverFaith Design'a Dream and then from Dreams it was Creations.
I have been passionate about Fashion, Fabric, image and style since I was 7 years old whe my granny taught me how to use a sewing needle by sewing a handmade carpet with pieces of fabric. Sewing and Crocheting was more like a fun period a school rather than a school subject. When my classmates made one pillow each for 6months I made tons of them.
I also had the pleasure and opportunity of cutting out the pattern and shirts with my teacher for my classmates in grade 7. I finished all my grades items: apron in grade 5, shirt in grade 6 and a dress in grade 7.
I grew up loving dolls and making clothes for them and none of my dolls had no clothes. I even took my friends' dolls home and brought them back to their owners with loads of clothes. I had actually forgotten about this until a former school mate reminded me. I was never fond of playing in the street. If I was not on the floor by the side of my bed with pieces of different fabrics all over you would find me with a book and a pen writing a story or poem or maybe reading anything I got my hands on.
I love fashion. As cliche as it passion is fashion. My addiction is writing and my prescription is reading. I have stored Cosmopolitan magazines dated as far back as 1993. I always had this fantasy that one day I will have a Fashion, Image and Beauty House where these magazines would be put all around the house as wall displays. LOL!
Let me end here just to keep this short. I will surely post some pictures soon!!
I have been passionate about Fashion, Fabric, image and style since I was 7 years old whe my granny taught me how to use a sewing needle by sewing a handmade carpet with pieces of fabric. Sewing and Crocheting was more like a fun period a school rather than a school subject. When my classmates made one pillow each for 6months I made tons of them.
I also had the pleasure and opportunity of cutting out the pattern and shirts with my teacher for my classmates in grade 7. I finished all my grades items: apron in grade 5, shirt in grade 6 and a dress in grade 7.
I grew up loving dolls and making clothes for them and none of my dolls had no clothes. I even took my friends' dolls home and brought them back to their owners with loads of clothes. I had actually forgotten about this until a former school mate reminded me. I was never fond of playing in the street. If I was not on the floor by the side of my bed with pieces of different fabrics all over you would find me with a book and a pen writing a story or poem or maybe reading anything I got my hands on.
I love fashion. As cliche as it passion is fashion. My addiction is writing and my prescription is reading. I have stored Cosmopolitan magazines dated as far back as 1993. I always had this fantasy that one day I will have a Fashion, Image and Beauty House where these magazines would be put all around the house as wall displays. LOL!
Let me end here just to keep this short. I will surely post some pictures soon!!
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