Once upon a Rolex in a place of people graced with style and finesse, there lived a Fashion Godmother who's skill was of fabric, pins, needles and threads. She was known to turn fabric into dreamy gowns and garments that made young girls into princesses, women into queens, young men into princes and men into kings. The Fashion Godmother did not work with any magic but worked with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. All she did before she touched or cut any fabric she went on her knees and spoke to her creator who gave her the powers and abilities she had.

One day the Fashion Godmother received a message from a good friend of hers from another Royal Kingdom asking the Fashion Godmother to make dresses for two beautiful Treasures. The two Treasures came with their mothers to tell the Fashion Godmother about the dresses they wanted to wear. One of the Treasures was undecided on her choice of colour so the Fashion GM took her on her dreamy chariot galloping from India to Mumbai to find the perfect fabric which was a cost fit for a Royal Treasure. Both the Treasures dresses were made with love and the Fashion GM was fueled by the thought of the smiles of the two treasures when they put on the dresses.

The Treasures came individually but one Treasure was brought by her mom and the other one by her aunt who is the Fshion GM's good friend. The first Treasure was wowwed and said she will come the next day to be dressed by the Fashion GM.She came all washed up, make up on and hair done. She put on the dress and indeed, like a Treasure she shined in her beautiful dreamy gown.

The second Treasure came, put on her dress. At first she was worried as someone wanted a dress similar to the one she chose but when the Fashion GM helped her put on her 3 piece dress (yes 3 pieces) she fell in love with it and looked like she fell right from the sky and shone in front of us.
Two Treasures, two Precious stones, found among rocks, were put in the hands of God's anointed hands to be dressed and styled couturegeously for their first ball. Each Treasure shined and looked beautiful according to their individuality and personality. They balled and wowwed those at the ball and they all lived happily ever after.
This is what fairytales are made of. Since I grew up reading these kind of stories I never desired to be the princess or Cinderella but I imagined myself as the Fairy Godmother who turned Cinderella's tattered clothes into a ballgown fit for a Royal Princess, put glass slippers on her shoes, turned pumpkin into a carriage and mice into horses and carriage-men.
This is how I felt when I dressed these beautiful innocent girls. Their mothers who are not much older than me made me realize how they treasured their daughters by making sure the dresses do not steal their daughters' innocence. Because I love children and would do anything to make them happy and protect them I will do my best to maintain that.
Thanking God for His blessings and thanking my friend Vuvu Cindi who is one of my loyal clients. Thnk you girl for letting me dress your niece and her friend as I have also dressed you, your sister nd her husband on their wedding, your mom and your dad. Oh by the way I've dressed your son when he was a baby for his christening too. Wowww!!! Glory to God!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.